Recent disaster events in Maui, California, and other parts of the world have highlighted the overwhelming effects of extreme disasters on safety systems not designed for climate-fueled events. From wildfires to floods, these disasters are becoming more frequent and intense due to climate change.

Maui’s wildfires have claimed the lives of over 100 residents. One issue was that residents feel they had no warning to evacuate. Hawaii’s massive integrated outdoor siren warning system, comprised of approximately 400 alarms, remained silent during the recent fires, as confirmed by Adam Weintraub, spokesperson for the Hawaii Emergency Management Agency. As rescuers persist in their somber search for missing individuals in Maui, critical attention is now being directed towards the deficient emergency alert system that neglected to forewarn thousands of the approaching fire the previous week.

A local Maui resident recounts her sole alert being the sound of residential fire alarms resounding through her neighborhood. Numerous residents have voiced their grievances regarding the absence of audible sirens and warnings, which left them with minimal time for evacuation. Responding to the mounting concerns, Hawaii’s Governor, Josh Green, has urged the state’s attorney general to conduct a thorough review of the emergency system.

“We will know soon whether or not they did enough to get those sirens going,” Hawaii’s Gov. Josh Green said. “But there was a massive destruction of telecommunications. Otherwise, we ourselves would’ve communicated with each other, like we always do, within seconds on our cell phones.”

How are safety systems and infrastructure struggling to keep up with climate change? What needs to be done to ensure the safety of vulnerable communities in a warming world?

Climate Change and Extreme Disasters
The impacts of climate change are being felt across the world, and extreme disasters are one of the most visible and devastating effects. From the wildfires in Australia to the floods in Indonesia, these events are causing significant damage to communities and ecosystems. Safety systems and infrastructure, designed years ago, are struggling to keep up with the scale and frequency of these disasters. In many cases, these safety systems are being overwhelmed, leading to loss of life and property.

“We’ve been moored in resilience systems that just aren’t working anymore,” Baruch Fischhoff, a professor at the Institute for Politics and Strategy at Carnegie Mellon University said. “Systems that sort of worked in the past are just stretched beyond their limits.”

Overestimating the Capacity of Safety Systems
The recent disaster events across the world have highlighted that many safety systems have been overestimated in terms of their capacity to handle extreme events. Previous disasters had not reached the same scale as the ones we are experiencing now, leading to complacency regarding disaster response. Now, authorities are grappling with the realization that the safety systems they have in place are simply not adequate to tackle the new reality of climate-fueled extreme disasters.

Convergence of Extreme Risks
One of the most significant risks associated with climate change is the convergence of different extreme events. For example, a heatwave can lead to drought, which can cause wildfires. This confluence of extremes has been underestimated by climate scientists, increasing the chance of devastating consequences. Authorities are struggling to adapt to these events, and there is a growing understanding of the need to build resilient safety systems and infrastructure that can handle these converging risks.

Protecting Vulnerable Communities
The effects of climate change often disproportionately affect vulnerable communities, including low-income neighborhoods and indigenous populations. These communities are often the most exposed to extreme disasters due to factors such as location and lack of resources. As safety systems struggle to keep up with the scale and frequency of disasters, there is an urgent need to protect vulnerable communities. This includes providing adequate resources, creating targeted disaster response plans, and implementing risk-reducing measures such as defensible space around homes.

Building Resilient Safety Systems and Infrastructure
Adapting to the new reality of climate-fueled extreme disasters requires building more resilient safety systems and infrastructure. This means investing in adaptive strategies, robust disaster response plans, and modern technologies such as AI and machine learning to better predict and prepare for disasters. Additionally, it requires better risk assessment and planning for all sectors, from critical infrastructure to local businesses. By building resilient safety systems and infrastructure, we can better protect vulnerable communities and reduce the devastating impact of future disasters.

Extreme disasters are overwhelming safety systems not designed for climate-fueled events, highlighting the urgent need for building resilient safety systems and infrastructure and protecting vulnerable communities. As the effects of climate change intensify, so too must our response to these disasters. By investing in adaptive strategies, modern technologies, and better risk assessment and planning, we can better prepare for and mitigate the consequences of extreme disasters, protecting people, property, and the environment.