Volkswagen, one of the world’s leading automakers, is reportedly in talks with Tesla to adopt its North American Charging Standard (NACS) for its electric vehicles (EVs). This move comes as a growing number of automakers and charging equipment manufacturers are choosing to embrace Tesla’s charging design.

Volkswagen, which experienced significant growth in EV sales, having sold nearly 16,000 EVs in the United States in the first quarter, acknowledges the importance of adopting an efficient charging infrastructure to support its expanding electric vehicle lineup. While the discussions with Tesla are ongoing, Volkswagen plans to continue offering its widely used Combined Charging System (CCS) connector during the transition period.

Tesla’s charging technology has gained popularity due to its robust infrastructure and fast charging capabilities. The Supercharger network, built by Tesla, is widely recognized for its extensive coverage and high-speed charging capabilities. By adopting Tesla’s NACS, Volkswagen could tap into this existing network, providing its customers with access to a vast and well-established charging infrastructure.

Furthermore, collaborating with Tesla on charging standards could foster greater industry cooperation and accelerate the growth of electric mobility. As more automakers adopt a unified charging standard, the development of charging infrastructure is likely to expand rapidly, addressing one of the key concerns for potential EV buyers—range anxiety.

The move towards a standardized charging system also aligns with the broader industry trend of sustainability and environmental consciousness. Electric vehicles offer a cleaner and more sustainable alternative to traditional gasoline-powered cars, and a well-developed charging infrastructure is critical to supporting their mass adoption. By joining forces with Tesla, Volkswagen demonstrates its commitment to advancing electric mobility and addressing the infrastructure challenges associated with EVs.


While the talks between Volkswagen and Tesla are ongoing, the potential adoption of Tesla’s charging standard by Volkswagen could have significant implications for the electric vehicle market. It could promote greater collaboration among automakers and accelerate the growth of charging infrastructure, ultimately benefiting EV owners and further propelling the transition to a cleaner and greener transportation future.