China turned on the engines of the transition and the result is surprising.

The proposals overlap with the testimonies of what has been done: they create the technology, they distribute it, improving the details at every moment.


At the same time, they have solar parks such as the 2.8 GW Golmud, with more than 7 million panels.

The process does not stop there and they continue building to reach 17 GW.




The Chinese government has sought a way to combine two universes, initially distant, such as the generation of renewable energy and fish farming.


And to achieve this, it has developed the “first hybrid ‘jacket + net cage’ system in the world for fish farming”, the system that basically consists of a large cage located in the lower part of the windmills to house fish.

In spring it was presented covering 5,000 cubic meters of water and 150,000 fish.


Which “ensures a safe culture environment for 15,000 fish in deep waters. With an estimated annual production of 75 tons of fish, this development aims to generate an additional income of 25 million dollars and 150 million complete.”




China shows the ability of its design to withstand the onslaught of the ocean.

The design has been designed to withstand strong typhoons, with wind speeds of up to 61.2 m/s, highlighting that the device is much more than a simple fish tank: “It includes a smart aquaculture system with remote functions, such as feeding, monitoring , automated detection and collection.”




The strong point of Chinese companies is another: that in the long term it will allow them to “maximize marine resources”, promoting offshore wind, hydrogen generation and now, even more so, the cultivation of “quality” fish.

It’s not just theory, that is one of the most interesting points of development.  When five months ago, it was already moving forward with the goal of testing it at the end of the year at the Mingyang Qingzhou 4 offshore wind farm.

But this summer he has gone one step further, “from theory to facts.”


At the beginning of July it was installed as a pilot test in one of its offshore turbines.

The site chosen for the test was the 500 MW Mingyang Qingzhou 4 park, located about 62 km off the coast of Yangjiang, Guangdong.

In August the company had successfully completed the development of its equipment to combine wind turbines with fish farming.



China’s TRANSITION process promises 0 emissions by 2060, this is just a sample of Chinese advancement and power technologies that will quickly reach the rest of the planet.



The world will benefit from these TECHNOLOGIES and we must work together for a better world with the knowledge of both;  

“WEST and EAST”.

To achieve our goals of 0 emissions and mitigation of Climate Change.