Ohio is considering passing legislation that would outlaw the implementation of electric vehicle mandates.

Ohio HB 201, as described in the text, would prevent any state agency, county, or township from imposing restrictions on the sale or use of vehicles based on their energy source. It would also prohibit the adoption of California’s strict vehicle emissions standards. In 2022, California announced that all new cars sold in the state must be electric vehicles (EVs) by 2035.

HB 201 has made progress in the committee process and is now awaiting a vote on the state House floor.

Proponents argue that the bill will promote free-market innovation. They also claim that it’ll allow the automotive industry to balance cost and quality while reshoring manufacturing jobs.

Republicans hold a majority in both the state House and Senate. In addition, Ohio has a Republican governor. As a result, the bill isn’t expected to face significant opposition from Democrats.

However, it’s important to note that while the bill would prevent future EV mandates imposed by a Democrat-controlled state government, it can’t stop federal EV mandates.

According to the Tampa Free Press, EVs generally have a higher price tag compared to gas-powered vehicles. EVs cost an average of around $5,000 more than gasoline cars. As a result, supporters of the bill claim that it will help curb inflation.

However, the bill also has many critics. Environmental activists warn that there is no chance for America to reach its goal of net zero CO2 emissions by 2050 without electrifying vehicles. Failure to achieve net zero will likely cause climate change to get even worse.

In addition, since EVs have lower maintenance costs than gas-powered cars, it’s unfair to accuse EVs of contributing to inflation.

Republican representatives in Congress are seeking to take Ohio HB 201 nationwide. On September 14, the House of Representatives passed a bill that would ban states from banning gas-powered cars. The bill is not expected to pass the Democrat-controlled Senate.